Do not sell or share my information

You can choose not to allow smartphonebuyback to disclose your information through digital trackers such as “cookies” on our website by managing your settings and opting out of cookies. You have several options for making such a choice.

We honor the Global Privacy Control (GPC) setting, which you can enable via your browser.

Alternatively, if you have not yet opted out of sale/sharing of your personal information via GPC or otherwise.

Please note that cookie settings are specific to your device, website, and browser and are deleted whenever you clear your browser’s cache. However, due to operating rules within the Safari browser that Apple controls, your cookie settings in Safari are only saved until you close your Safari browser. Safari users should check their cookie settings each time they use Safari to access

For more information about our privacy practices and how we use digital trackers, please review our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy.

You won’t need to change your settings if you have already opted out of sale/sharing of your personal information.